Paper/Card models for those interested in railways.
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Set GWS3 – Great Western Railway 45xx and goods train.
The models can be displayed mounted on a track base made from four of the track sections, alternatively use in conjunction with items from set GWS1/GWS2 for a double track display.
Great Western Railway 45xx class 2-6-2T .
This loco has outside cylinders and motion.
Mount the motion parts so that they are central on the cylinders.
The brackets supporting the boiler in front of the side tanks should be in line with the motion brackets.
The tank sides and cab are in one piece.
The struts at the front need to be added from wood or wire.
The rest of the construction follows the methods of the models in the previous sets.
Great Western Railway Goods train.
Study the instructions for the L&Y wagons on the LYS2 page.
The open wagon has a sheet bar which was used to stretch a tarpaulin sheet over loads.
There is a template to make this from wire.
The plates fix to the inside of the bar at each end, while the semi-circular guide hoops fit on the outside.
The container could be transferred to a road vehicle for door to door delivery.
It has diagonal straps that fastened it to the wagon.
On this vehicle the sides bend down leaving a flat platform with a box (for chains etc.) at each side below the floor.

The brake van has an open veranda at one end which has the sand boxes positions marked on the floor.
On this vehicle and the Iron Mink (so called as they had iron sheet side) the sides wrap around the floor as there are extensions to the framing that project downward.
The small steps should be in line with the veranda doors and a chimney can be made from wood or wire.
There are several stanchions and strapwork parts to add as extra layers on these vehicles.

44’6” Straight track.
As for GWS1, the track comes as six 44 foot 6 inch panels with rail overlays to be added on top.
Four sections are enough to mount the train upon.